Céleste Boursier-Mougenot names his work "Relais"

On Saturday 15 June the work of Céleste Boursier-Mougenot was festively inaugurated in the parc in Wevelgem, under great interest from the citizens. Curiously they discovered the work: in one pavilion they followed the activity of the bees: in just a few months, they had already made a lot of progress with the making of the honeycombs. A microphone captures the buzz of the bees that is being transformed into a second pavilion on the other side of the park. This pavilion is shrouded in fog and light, which jump on and off to the rhythm of the bees.
Immediately it is striking how the work integrates itself into the newly redesigned park and brings life and movement.
The artist named the work Relais and explains: the bees, as it were, take part in a relay race, alternating between the flowers and the beehive. Relais also means connection and thus refers to the connection between the pavilions. The artist adds a third layer: "I am now passing on the stick to the municipality of Wevelgem. And I know that the work is in excellent hands there".